The problem with trackers with low leeching activity like this one is that it's difficult to maintain a good ratio legitimately or cheating.
  • You could autosnatch new torrents, or pretend to... but it would either quickly leave you in the red or result in very noticeable cheating, because fake upload can't adapt to swarm changes quickly enough.
  • You could fake upload on torrents with 0 leechers... but that's as sensible as it sounds and very easy to detect (Waffles method may work, though).
  • You could snatch their smallest torrents and seed them for bonus points, or pretend to... but BS doesn't have bonus points! And in the latter case, noticing the success rate for downloading what you're "seeding" is 0% wouldn't be very hard due to the small swarm sizes.

The only tactics I feel comfortable recommending in this situation are the following.
  • Spread a very slow fake upload so thinly that it goes undetected simply due to being abysmally low. explains the details.
  • Upload large stuff and/or fill requests. Possibly use backhanded tactics like transcoding video with a higher bitrate, adding trailing data to files or recompressing archives to level 1 or 0 to deliberately increase their size, plus a low upload multiplier (like 1.2x) on top to get the most bang for your buck.

BitSpyder in particular has the advantage of handing out invites like candy, which makes it easy to create a dupe for experimenting, although you won't have account age to protect you.

Quote Originally Posted by Cr@zYiNsEiN View Post
I should point out that maintaining a ratio 1.0 for all downloaded torrents is not advised. You should instead be seeding some torrents until you reach the minimum seeding time and clear some torrents with bonus points/buffer. Similarly don't always fake a ratio 1.0 and above for your account. You should let it drop below and rise above 1.0. This randomizes your activity on the tracker and makes it difficult for the staff to discover you cheating.