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Thread: I think I'm stupid

  1. #16
    Things are getting crazier outhere. I don't follow politics, I don't even watch the news, but I sense something wrong is happening, and something big will come, and not for the better. People are becoming weirder and weirder, becoming clones/copies of their former selves paired with a self-enforcement of fitting in. Ironically, no one wants to fit in, yet they all do it. And they become bitter for it.

    I don't think I've ever mentioned but I have a sister, much older than me, and she is very resentful. One of these people that can't stand sharing good news; a crab-mentallity "if i can't have it, neither can you". To think.. your own flesh and blood. I could draw a parallel and say "she's a woman" but I think we're all aware. It would appear sisters are meaner than brothers. And do you know the worst part of it is? All the advice I ever gotten from her was the worst.. You understand? Not a stranger, not an enemy, not a friend, or but a woman, and a sister.. do I even have to ask why?
    Last edited by Master Razor; 13.08.24 at 22:06.
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  2. #17
    Well at least my brain and is working at maximum efficiency.

    I tested one last thing about this woman-fiasco in the world, and that is the truth and attention. Women absoletly hate the truth. It doesn't matter if you have the papers at hand. They may not be knowledgeable but are cunning and always find a way to kill the truth. It's also very effective to make them your enemy.
    The attention theory I mentioned was 100% correct. Such as a plant cannot live without water, so does a woman with attention. Whether it is positive or negative, the important thing is attention. Paid intercorse, pornography, all this video-nonsense it was all invented by them. As well as making them smoke, drink: they knew that doing these things would led to attention. If you look at the advertisements targeted towards women in the early 20th century, you'll notice that all of them contained hints of attention: "do this, and you'll have that", "be this, and you'll get that". That's how they did it. Men are naturally bord entrepreneurs: they seize opportunities. So.. when you have women that desire something, why not make a profit? But the idea for all of this did not come from men. Women thought it up, and men allowed it for profit. And the reason why feminism thrives is not for the rights, but attention. Loud obnoxious things draws attention... And that's how they done it.
    And you know the only other entity in the world that hates the truth and loves attention? Lucifer. Once God's most beautiful angel but falled due to its desire.. In math there is what is called a reciprocal: a number that can be expressed in a different way but still have the value. However, same value.. but inverse: a direct opposite.

    Whoever hates the truth does so to manipulate. One that loves the truth cannot manipulate.

    I'm so very sorry I didn't deduce this earlier. I should've saw the truth but I didn't.

    My instict has always been strong. Even though I lacked the knowledge to see things I was always shielded from them. And for this particular situation.. I stayed away: I was never told the truth, nor did I researched it, but all these years I stayed away from women. Like something protected me. And when I say stayed away I mean that in every sense of the word, if you can understand it. It was simply an internal warning.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 19.08.24 at 01:47.
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  3. #18
    I got a better understanding now of what is happening: It's an attack of religion: doctrines, and people of faith. This time I've learned to separate things from their representation, and once you do that, it becomes clearer. Every country in which people are highly religious is a threat, and will be dealt with. They will do whatever they can to disband faith. These propagate in two ways, which I'll explain below.

    Make peace with your parents. Not because they deserve it, but because you will never have peace if you don't. This is one of the primary problems today, that everyone hates their parents. No matter where you go, and what you to do to sever the relationship, it will never go away. Therapists thrive on this, and this is the cause of 99% of the problems in the world. The parent is the figure of authority, and both society and God are that, so.. if you're at war with your parents, you are also at war with man and God. Some parents don't deserve their children; some children don't deserve their parents.. but we have to get a long. What people don;t understand is that whenever conflicts exists inside the family, it leaves doors open to evil spirits - with your permission, they enter and you don't even know it. Teach yourselves to love them, and teach others as well. You will notice that, if this is resolved, the people you are dealing with will become good again. It's a chain, you hate your parents, your parents hated their parents and so on. The cycle can only be broken by you.

    Don't think of women. I'm not sure what we are dealing with at the moment, but all signs point to lust. Any kind of addition is better than sex. The truth gets blurry when having sexual intercourse.
    I've been thinking of the reason why sex was frown upon before marriage. The reason is that it clouds your judgement. As a man you are more likely to be influenced by the pleasure of intercourse rather than the woman you chose to lay with. So, when you have sex before committing, you actually have no idea what you are commuting to.. a reproductive organ or a person. The man loses it's mind, and the woman her credibility. That is why it shouldn't be done before marriage; not because of some doctrine but common sense.
    And is because of sex that there is no confrontation. not only does it cancel thinking, but also reduced the need to fight and makes one content, even when the situation is against him. .. If you are familiar with the Jezebel spirit from the Holy Bible, it thrives on tow things: passiveness and lust. Where there is no-opposition, and desires, that's where the spirit strikes. It doesn't go where there is sexual restraint and where questions are being asked. ... Just in case anyone was wondering about that former job I had: I walk with The Holy Spirit, and whenever something bad happens, I a feeling of attack: a strong sense of displeasure. I felt it in that office in my last days there. I suspect that was the case. Sin.. is not considered if you don't know about it. But if you have knowledge of it, and still pursue it.. then it becomes a capital sin. Which is why I could stay there: i knew what was happening. As per the scripture, as man you are forbidden to work under a woman, in the workplace, at home.. If you don't know (i.e ignorance) it's fine; God doesn't punish stupid.. but if you know, and are content.. it's not going to end well, for neither of you...
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  4. #19
    You know, the internet is a very scary place if you don't know how to use it.

    What the internet is now is simply the place that they want you to be in. Every information that you can currently find has been modified. People are afraid, and are cowards. They need to secure their online properties: their persona, their servers, websites, reputation; safe-guarding these needs moderation - constant one.I concurred the reason as to why the internet needs moderators. After all, a moderator is of the same value as a bouncer to a club; has only one directive, and it doesn't imply thinking. Yet, the internet is filled with them. Acting on orders from their domains, which act under the orders of.. how cares.

    The fact of the matter is, the internet is no longer free-speech - anywhere. People lie, better yet - they are "allowed" to lie and say that certain websites are free-speech; they are not. Trust me when I say, I tested mostly all of them - I have writings on every major irritable subject, and they don't like it. The TOS is useless, and they break it every chance. If you send notice about it, it immediately changes , yet with proof, instead of acknowledging their illness, they choose to ban you - simple solution for simple minded folks.
    Now, all search engines are dead, all platforms are political, very few - a select group - are truly free speech but even those have their limits.

    And the point of this thread was exactly this: why am i stupid? Because I don't follow the herd. And why is that? Because they are mind-controlled-imbeciles that prefer an easy life rather than a just one. And why is that? Because just people do not mix with cowards. You can if you want, but if you do, through you, you give "birth" to more of these people. You need to imagine yourself as a link in chain: what do you link: good or evil? Think about it. Sure, you'll be part of society, respected, showered with compliments, and the like.. but the current flows through you. You get the rewards, but what they gain from you is much more than what you gain from them.

    The study is this: say you have evil person EP and good person GP; then
    EP + GP = EP
    GP + EP = EP
    EP + EP = EP
    however, only
    GP + GP = GP

    This applies to marriages as well as children; remember this, and use it. You can study it if you'd like.

    Those that do not accept changes, are (currently) cast out.

    What they are doing is forming a collective intelligence. In a group no one is smarter than another. They are all the same. You have the same aspirations, the same professions, you dress the same, you eat the same.. That's what the internet is now: a central point of programming people that lack their own. If you don't program yourself, other will love the opportunity. (that's women, 100%; they are insecure-seductive-and-materialistic creatures, and they are the primary target of programming). I would bet that the internet itself was created for women; if you look closely you'll notice that nothing on the internet is for men, nothing.
    Last edited by Master Razor; Yesterday at 18:25.
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