Post Moderation
Post Deleted
Your post got deleted. This is either because it was breaking the rules, replying to another deleted post, or by your own request.
How can you prevent that from happening again? Firstly, read the deletion reason. Messages such as "use the Thanks button", "use search" or "refer to rule 3" should be easy to understand. Do as the PM dictates and try to avoid making the same mistake in the future. Do
not post the same thing again, it'll just be deleted just as quickly and you may receive an infraction.
Post Moved
Your post got moved, most likely because it was made in the wrong section or thread.
How can you prevent that from happening again? Essentially, post in the right place - make English threads in the English area and German ones in the German one, don't spam threads, and avoid excessive off-topic (specially in sections where the post counter is enabled). Don't repost the same thing in the section/thread it's been moved from. Moving is
not deleting, and you're always given a link to the post's new location.
Post Edited
Part of your post got edited. This is either because you made an inappropriate or rule-breaking comment (such as flaming, asking for invites or cracks/serials), quoted someone whose post(s) also got edited, missed the QUOTE tag and source links for news threads, or generally posted anything that's better off not in the public eye (personal information, IPs, etc.)
How can you prevent that from happening again? Use the QUOTE tag and when quoting someone else (link to the source if it's from another site), avoid breaking rules 3, 6, 8, 10 and 11, and use common sense.
Thread Moderation
Thread Deleted - same as "Post Deleted".
Thread Approved
Your thread was approved and taken out of the moderation queue. It's the forum policy to require manual thread approval in the Mods & Tools sections - until then, threads aren't visible to anyone except the staff. We also reserve the right to unapprove content that's
temporarily better off not publicly visible.
As soon as approval takes place, we immediately inform you with this kind of PM. For modders, it means your release can now be downloaded.
Thread Moved - same as "Post Moved".
PMs That Are No Longer Sent
- Post Un-Deleted, Post Approved, Post Un-Approved, Thread Un-Deleted, Thread opened, Thread Closed, Thread Un-approved, Thread Stuck, Thread Un-Stuck, Thread Title Edit.