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Thread: About Karma

  1. #1

    About Karma

    I've recently uncovered one of my life's misteries: the fact that anyone that wishes me ill, ends up very badly. I've never seen in my life more attrocities that what is happening to these people. Humans have the seed of revenge impanted in them, women mostly (has been discussed..) but whoever has this trait, effectively cancels revenge. Once you know "that it gets done" there is no need for your intervention. And sometimes it has a mind of its own, it uses you for people to cheat you in order to be sentenced.
    I've analyzed this for some time now. And although people like to use karma as a weapon of self-defence, it doesn't work for everybody. Only a select few have this. And if you even think badly of such people.. you're gone.
    If you intervene, then you get punished as much as the individual that harmed you. It's the idea of standing in the way of justice.. for it to work you need to get out of its way.
    For my part, I don't really care. This helps because I save time. By sentencing themselves, I don't waste time on pettiness. And it also frees you from protecting yourself. All these people that now follow psychologists, to better protect themselves.. I don't care.. cheat me be sentenced and cursed (because that too exists in my life; it's currently researched...).
    And I so hate the fact that I have to research this on my own.. I asked so many people about this. Most of them think I'm crazy, until I show them the proof, then they are affraid of me.. this is the mind of man: a useless blob of muscle.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 06.08.24 at 19:23.
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  2. #2
    Just got confirmations from all over the place. Apparently those that have been affected by karma are very affraid of people like me. What I have is called instant karma; applies to both myself as others. Anyone that hurts me, gets 10 times the amount back. However, If I try to do any harm to others, then it backfires, also instantly. So they keyword here is instant. Payback does not come in a year, in a decade, at the end of life.. no, it comes immediately, unless the payback is so great that it needs time to manifest itself.
    Most people use the word karma and have never witnessed it in their entire lives; it's scared tactics. What they are affraid is someone like me.. I come along, and you treat like one of the common folk, you're finished, as I said.

    I still don't what to do with it. How to harness it. Certanly has a lot of potential, and I've should of been told about this years ago. At the very least, my future spouse will get all the worst is she thinks badly of me.. we're talking about everything: a lie, a cheat, a manipulation of any kind, even a negative thought about me, she's finished, and it's made in such a way that I know that it's been done. Somehow the universe shows it to me.

    That boss I was mentioning, she's doomed because she tried to use me, to manipulate me..
    Last edited by Master Razor; 08.08.24 at 20:52.
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